The Daily Chase

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hello, friends! As we get settled in to the new year, we've made a few changes here at the Chase house. We passionately believe that 2013 is the year we'll reach our goals both personally and professionally. Vince and I have been working hard to transform our physiques and our bank accounts! We're happy to report that in addition to working out everyday (thanks to the AWESOME Can you 24 DVD from AdvoCare), we've manage to only eat out once this month! This is a huge victory for us! I am definitely not known for expertise in the kitchen and our crazy schedules don't give us a lot of time to spend cooking, but we've managed to stick to it and make it work.

With that being said, we're testing out a new system this week. After a trip to Kroger and Sam's Club this weekend I managed to bring home {hopefully} three weeks worth of food. A little menu planning and some preparation/freezing has led to a successful start that we hope to continue! It's more than obvious that the more we go to the store, the more we spend...have you ever left with just what you went in for? If you have, you have way more self control than me...ha! Here's our menu plan for the week...please don't judge, I am not a cook, but am hoping to change that!

Sunday : Crockpot Potato Soup
Monday : Leftovers :)
Tuesday : Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Turkey Meat Sauce & Salad
Wednesday : Salmon Patties, Pinto Beans & Salad
Thursday : Pork Chops, Baked Beans & Salad
Friday : Taco Salad
Saturday : Left Overs
So, there it is! We're 3 days in and so far so good! What are your budgeting/meal planning tips? I'd love to hear some new ideas! XOXO, Bri

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