Happy Halloween, sweet friends! We hope your day is filled with fun! Popeye visited his Mammy & Pappy this morning & is heading to Irving tonight for tricks & treats at Grammy & Pop-pop's house!
At 4 months, this little man has yet to have any teeth break through and when he rubs his gums together he makes what we call a "Popeye face" so, a Popeye costume just made sense!
Since I'm a DIYer at heart (and beacuse an infant Popeye costume can't be found) I gathered my supplies and had a blast making Brocky's costume! I was surprised it was such a quick, easy (& cheap) proccess. I'll be sure to post more pictures tomorrow and possibly a quick tutorial on how I made B-Rock's costume.
Have a fun and safe evening Trick-or-Treating! XO-Bri